
June 10, 2021

“Oh, let me shop around even MORE websites for pricing and delivery options. I just LOVE doing this!” said no one ever.

April 12, 2021

The Crucial Role of Up-to-Date Online Business Listings

With so much else to do, why spend time making sure your business is represented accurately and consistently in online directories? Because your search results depend on it. 

March 23, 2021
2021 will see even more importance placed on Page One rankings and high quality website content, and B2B execs need to be aware of how critical it is to invest in SEO for their companies’ websites now more than ever.  Read more about the importance of high quality content.

February 15, 2021

You know the old adage. And 2020 delivered a lot of lemons.

For 17 years, the Harvard Business School (HBS) Alumni Club of Charlotte had run a 13-week Management Development Program (MDP) in Charlotte, for Charlotte area mid-level executives. The program offers the chance to study business strategy, ethics, finance, and marketing with a roster of some of the most prominent CEOs, Presidents, and Managing Partners in the Charlotte area. Anne Mayfield, President of Mayfield Consulting and Chairman/President of the Charlotte HBS Alumni Club for 20+ years, founded the program with the overarching objective of donating surplus tuition monies to local non-profits.

January 18, 2021
For 2021, many of our customers want to learn about segments that are not familiar to them. Makes sense as the winds of COVID keep changing everyone’s business models.

October 8, 2020

As a boutique marketing consultancy, we never anticipated we would ever be considered for a Grand Stevie, let alone beat out multiple digital marketing agencies from NYC to LA.

Why we won over those agencies is a point worth contemplating.
April 9, 2020
With all the economic upheaval now, businesses are wondering: how do I ensure my marketing and sales are still effective? Here at Mayfield, we’ve compiled a few thoughts for your team in the “War Room” to consider.

February 24, 2020
2020 will see even more importance placed on Page One rankings and high quality website content, and B2B execs need to be aware of how critical it is to invest in SEO for their companies’ websites now more than ever.

October 7, 2019
Pay It Forward with Corporate Citizenship
If your business hasn’t developed a corporate citizenship program, the fall is a great time to start: holidays are on the way and opportunities abound.

June 17, 2019
Striving for Recurring Revenue

Give them the razor, sell them the blade

Gillette may not have been the first, but it’s still the most famous example of a company moving to a Recurring Revenue model. The story goes like this: a razor marketer gave away razors to the public for free, knowing they could recoup the one-time cost of the razor over a period of time with custom fit replacement blades that would be sold on an ongoing basis at a premium. The rest, as they say is history.

Mayfield Consulting’s team has hundreds of combined years of experience in sales and marketing, providing market research, business due diligence, sales, marketing and PR strategy and implementation. All services are performed by seasoned professionals, on an affordable, a la carte menu to business-to-business companies. Mayfield has special expertise in software, security, business services, financial services, and classic manufacturing industries. With a tagline of “Where Results Happen,” Mayfield Consulting has clients that have been named 11 times in the last eleven years to the Inc. 5000 List of America’s Fastest Growing Private Companies, won more than 70 awards, and experienced exponential growth.